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How to get your screenplay to feel professional (and resonate) 

Writer: Enrico TessarinEnrico Tessarin


Often as a ‘new writer’ the best way to get something made is to write it yourself. Yet writing an original film screenplay is a tough job. Remember that your objective is to FIND YOUR OWN VOICE. Only then your screenplays will resonate. 

Here are a few TIPS for writing a screenplay that will stand out.

🖼 Write about what you know

The best stories - especially for first films - are the ones that come from our personal life. Write about yourself or someone you know very well. No amount of research will get you to the level of detail and familiarity of a story based on your experience. 

Personal and intimate screenplays will feel original, true and the characters will come to life. Your writing will resonate and will make you stand out. Talent and originality will be spotted!

🗣 Work on your dialogue

Dialogue is an art and an essential part of a screenplay. Film is a more visual format than theatre so your screenplay cannot be just two characters talking. 

However visual your screenplay is, you must also have some good dialogue. If you are good at dialogue it will come naturally. But if you are NOT, please work with someone who is. 

Ensure each character sounds different (tri-dimensional characters always do) and the character speaks in the language they would normally use. A boy from a council estate and a Doctor will inevitably speak differently. Master both. 

Exercise: listen to people talking. It is actually amazing what you can discover. 

🏋🏻‍♂️ Practice. Practice. Practice

Don’t expect your first feature screenplay to be sold. Keep writing, and keep getting better. Don't give up too quickly. It takes time to master the art. 

Read ’Story’ by Robert McKee, ‘Screenplay’ by Syd Field, ‘Save the cat’ by Blake Snyder 

Even though Reading books alone will not make you a better writer. 

It will take several screenplays before you 'get it'. If your first screenplay (or your first few) are rubbish - just get constructive feedback and keep writing. Don't stop. 

My very good friend, who had a screenplay optioned by a Hollywood Studio last year has been writing 2 to 3 screenplays a year for the LAST 10 YEARS! Getting better takes time! 

💡 Ensure every scene either moves the plot forward or gives us insight into the characters (ideally both)

Some writers are more descriptive. Others almost always get straight to the point and head to the safety of dialogue. But you HAVE to get the basics right. 

If the scene you have written doesn’t do any of the above - just cut it. Editing and being able to cut your work is just as important as writing.

What would be YOUR TIPS to write a professional screenplay? 

👉🏼✅🎥 Our Makers club this week is about writing. Come and join us on Thursday 8th August to share your experience - especially if you are writing a script at the moment. 

JOIN US online on Thursday 6pm. 

Photo search credit (as always) - RI



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